Trove Hitec


ONE STOP NAND Characterization

High performance SSD and other semiconductor-based storage devices require:

  • Optimized flash management algorithms to overcome the technology weaknesses of the NAND devices;
  • Efficient power strategy to deal with the high current consumption due to the extremely fast interface;
  • Perfect layout and interface design suitable to deal with transfer rates in the GHz domain;
  • All these features available in the overall application temperature range.

NanoCycler is the best-in-class, cost effective solution targeting:

  • the exploration of the NAND memories and providing essential information for the correct SSD design;
  • reliability, functional and performance screening of the NAND devices before assembly.

The patented architecture has been designed explicitly for NAND characterization, ensuring the highest performance, lowest cost of ownership and optimized long-term investments. Every package is tested fully independently on the others, in terms of test flows, test conditions, temperature, voltage, frequency; this structure allows to run multiple “experiments” in the same time, unlike traditional parallel test systems, which are forced to run the same test on every package. The low thermal mass of the heating system reduces heating and cooling times, saving overall test costs, and increases thermal accuracy.
NanoCycler is fully scalable, from single-package development systems up to 84-site racks. Multiple racks can be cascaded sharing a central database storing all essential run-time informations and test results.

Highest quality characterization results at the lowest cost and effort – NanoCycler represents future-safe investment to design high-performance reliable mass storage devices.

Product Configurations

EquipmentTester Units
84-socket (7 shelves, 12 Tester Units each) rackSTD – 800 MT/sec BGA132/152
48-socket (8 shelves, 6 Tester Units each) rackHS16 BGA152 – 1.6GT/sec BGA132/152
24-socket (4 shelves, 6 Tester Units each) rackHS24 BGA152 – 2.4GT/sec BGA132/152
8-socket desktop (PCIe)HS24 BGA154 – 2.4 GT/sec BGA154/178
6-socket desktop 
1-socket development stationOther sockets on request
Installable in climatic chamber (XT Tester Units)XT16 BGA152 – 1.6GT/sec BGA132/152

TESTMESH Configurations

NanoCycler OverView


  • NAND characterization
  • NAND lifetime extension
  • ECC/LDPC analysis
  • Reliability testing
  • Incoming inspection
  • Production lot qualification
  • Media management validation

Primary Functions:

  • Aging and endurance
  • Retention
  • Working window analysis
  • RBER monitor
  • Operation timing analysis
  • Distribution analysis
  • Optimal read conditions
  • Error recovery flow trigger rates
  • Suspend operations
  • Vendor specific commands
  • Bad blocks
  • DQS timing margin analysis
  • Power profiling
  • Power fluctuation
  • Timing characterization


  • Test per package architecture allows fully independent test on every package.
  • Allows at-speed characterization up to 2.4GT/sec, ensuring the operation of the devices under test in an application-similar environment.
  • Supports the aging and testing of NAND devices by providing Python (optionally C++) API with full ONFI 5 command set, with vendor-specific commands and with customizable signal sequences.
  • Provides high-resolution – 10 mV – programmable power supplies to verify tolerance against voltage drift.
  • Captures the power consumption on each supply at 50 nsec sampling rate and 1 mA resolution; by storing the waveform during an operation sequence and by providing the average or peak current during long device exercising.
  • Characterizes the interface timing with 1 nsec edge placement and 20 nsec resolution response time detection.
  • Provides DQS alignment window information at psec resolution.
  • Integrates a data analysis environment to post-process and present the characterization results to accelerate the path to decision.

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